our purpose

to Manage the impact of declared pest species so that they have minimal impact on the agricultural industry, landscapes and biodiversity values within the Esperance Shire. 

Declared Pest Rates 2020-21

Agriculture and Food Minister Alannah MacTiernan has approved Declared Pest Rates for 2020-21.

As the Esperance Biosecurity Association Inc. is a recognised biosecurity group (recognised by the Agriculture and Food Minister) we will be raising a declared pest rate under the BAM Act. 2007 to secure funding for the purpose of controlling declared pests within the Esperance Shire with the main focus on Wild Dogs and Foxes.

The amount raised via the declared pest rate is matched dollar for dollar by the State Government.

Our Purpose

Manage the impact of declared pest species so that they have minimal impact on the agricultural industry, landscapes and biodiversity values within the Esperance Shire. 

The primary focus or goal is to improve the co-ordination of wild dog management and control within the Esperance Shire to reduce livestock losses. As well as increasing community participation in fox management

... EBA Operational Plan 2020/21

1080 and Strychnine Warning 

Please be advised that baiting to control Wild Dogs occurs all year round on Un-allocated Crown Land within the Esperance Shire. This program uses professionally made 1080 baits, which are laid by Licensed Pest Management Technicians. 1080 baiting is an integral part of the Wild Dog control program to protect livestock from death and injury caused by Wild Dogs.

1080 baits can kill domestic dogs and cats, so please leave your pets at home or prevent them from entering the baited areas, as there is no safe time of year when pets can roam within these areas. 

At times it is necessary for the Licensed Pest Management Technicians to use traps containing strychnine to assist in Wild Dog control. All traps are sign posted in the field but please take extreme caution and DO NOT interfere with the traps.

It is essential that the Wild Dog be controlled due to its malicious nature, targeting small native fauna and livestock, it is devastating to find animals that have suffered attacks from the Wild Dog.



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